We can

Gratitude List 11/10/2018

‘I can’t. We can.’

A phrase I hear a lot. For me, ‘we’ includes my greater power, my fellows, my family, my friends and not forgetting myself. There is no we without I. I need all the help I can get but today my list reflects on my fellows. There is a buzz in the fellowship at the moment. A transition of momentum towards the solution and towards hope.

Today I am grateful for:

– everyone who has been vulnerably honest, giving me the courage to do the same.

– everyone who have bravely shared their pain, empowering me to do the same.

– everyone who speak of their powerlessness and humility, reminding me to do the same.

– everyone who clearly puts in diligent effort and works a hard program, motivating me to do the same.

– everyone who has selflessly given service and thought of others, suggesting I should do the same.

– everyone who has found and believes in a power greater than themselves, opening my mind to do the same.

– everyone who is working the recovery program, becoming better people and proving that change is possible, willing me to do the same.

‘Listen to the similarities.’

Another phrase I hear a lot. And I totally get why – it’s vital. But each strength on my list today – honesty, bravery, humility, diligent effort, selfless thinking, open-mindedness, willingness – we’re completely alien to me and different. I am very grateful I learnt to first tolerate and then also listen to ‘the differences.’

Grateful for the memory

North London Hospice, Winter 2016

Author: gratitude4gratitude

A relative newbie to gratitude. Starting each day with a gratitude list sets me up for the day. This small effort starts a domino effect of positive action and subsequent serenity.

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