Gratitude List 24/04/2019: Resisting to feed my ego

Gratitude List 24/04/2019

Resisting to feed my ego can be a daily war – I say war because there can be several battles per day.

Today I am grateful I resisted sharing some information I knew would initiate gossip within my work place. I would have been centre of attention but at the expense of another.

Today I am grateful I didn’t feel the need to jump on the bandwagon and join in with some office banter, which again was at the expense of others.

Today I am grateful I didn’t point out the person walking down the street just so I could get a laugh.

Today I am grateful I didn’t interrupt anyone whilst they spoke just so I could express my own opinions.

Today I am grateful I didn’t try and take all the credit for what was a team effort. I was happy to see another take the limelight.

Today I am grateful I didn’t point out and loudly verbalise someone’s mistake.

Today I am grateful I didn’t hide something with a lie in order to protect my success and ego.

Today I am grateful I am aware that this type of behaviour is detrimental to my spiritual health.

Today I am grateful I accept that this is a working progress. I am no way near perfect. But I am aware and I will get lots of practice.

Author: gratitude4gratitude

A relative newbie to gratitude. Starting each day with a gratitude list sets me up for the day. This small effort starts a domino effect of positive action and subsequent serenity.

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