
“We claim spiritual progression, not spiritual perfection.” How many times have I used this bit of advice to justify something I could have done better? In some cases this rings true, as I am a human being and therefore prone to making mistakes and shouldn’t expect perfection. However, the word “progression” in itself requires movement of some kind in the right direction. Therefore, remaining in the same place is not progression. Over the last few years, my experience is, as long as I work a strong enough program the result is progression in many aspects of my life. But what happened when I didn’t? Over any considerable amount of time (heard that somewhere 😉) things got worse. My program began to deteriorate. First it was a suggestion, then a few weeks later it was two, then it was a meeting less and so on and so on. It was a slow and subtle deterioration (heard that somewhere too!). So subtle it was, that I was blind to it, or denied it…. one of the two. My long winded point is in MY experience, I am either progressing or deteriorating, there is no remaining still. I’m not sure if it is even possible to dynamically work a program that is so accurate to the finest detail that I remain in balance? Maybe it is, but I don’t believe I have experienced it yet.

So I ask myself on a regular basis is the program I am working progressing or deteriorating? For me, it’s one or the other.

Another, question I regularly ask myself, and a more important one is, why wouldn’t I want to progress further?

My answer to these questions today is, yes I believe I am progressing and yes I desire to progress further. Why wouldn’t I. Obviously. I desire to progress over running the risk of an insidious and baffling deterioration that winds down to a point where I leave the program completely. I’ve experienced this before and witnessed it too many times.

Author: gratitude4gratitude

A relative newbie to gratitude. Starting each day with a gratitude list sets me up for the day. This small effort starts a domino effect of positive action and subsequent serenity.

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