A Surreal Spiritual Experience

A Surreal Spiritual Experience

Trying to pause when agitated is a relatively new concept to me but I have been trying to make it part of my life for the last four and a bit years. The typical scenario starts when someone does something that causes me harm and I get hurt. If I have the serenity to pause and not react, I don’t make things worse and the hurt goes. It starts, I pause, it finishes. Done. Over the last week though, through no effort on my behalf, my experience has been been quite surreal. I have been consciously sensing my attitude towards the situation gradually change.  I feel incredibly present throughout, to a point where I can actually feel my negative feelings and emotions reduce level by level to a place of acceptance. Hurt to anger, anger to frustration, frustration to irritable, irritable to tolerant, tolerant to considerate, considerate to humble, humble to love! All within a brief moment and I felt it all the way. Time had slowed down enough for me to actually acknowledge and witness the process of me letting go of self-will and allowing God back in. The red mist had cleared to be replaced with clarity.

There’s no way I can do the experience justice by putting it into words, but has anyone else felt anything similar?

Author: gratitude4gratitude

A relative newbie to gratitude. Starting each day with a gratitude list sets me up for the day. This small effort starts a domino effect of positive action and subsequent serenity.

2 thoughts on “A Surreal Spiritual Experience”

  1. I have not but wow, that sounds amazing! My dad told me when he was in his 20’s he was swimming and started to drown. He went under water for what seemed forever. He said he saw the white light that you had about in near death experiences and his heart felt he was going to heaven. He said the change of feelings and calmness was like no other. Then suddenly he was being dragged to the surface and he survived. I think I kind of rambled here but he said experiences like that are life changing, his story made me relate to your post. ❤️

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    1. Thank you very much for sharing that. Powerful stuff indeed. Two completely different situations but ‘the change of feelings and calmness’ I can really relate to. I’m sure my body has gone through these changes before, it’s just that now I am present to them.

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