Gratitude List 22/04/2019: A Monty Python parody….

Gratitude List 22/04/2019

A Monty Python parody….

REG: …….. and what has recovery ever given us in return?!

XERXES: Better relationships?

REG: What?

XERXES: Better relationships.

REG: Oh. Yeah, yeah. It has given us that. Uh, that’s true. Yeah.

COMMANDO #3: And peace of mind.

LORETTA: Oh, yeah, peace of mind, Reg. Remember what our washing machine head used to be like?

REG: Yeah. All right. I’ll grant you the better relationships and peace of mind are two things that recovery has done.

MATTHIAS: And a better bank balance.

REG: Well, yeah. Obviously a better bank balance. I mean, a better bank balance goes without saying, doesn’t it? But apart from better relationships, peace of mind, and a better bank balance–

COMMANDO: Acceptance.

XERXES: Courage.

COMMANDOS: Huh? Heh? Huh…

COMMANDO #2: Wisdom.


REG: Yeah, yeah. All right. Fair enough.

COMMANDO #1: And hope.

COMMANDOS: Oh, yes. Yeah…

FRANCIS: Yeah. Yeah, that’s something we’d really miss, Reg, if recovery left. Huh.


LORETTA: And it’s safe to be left alone with our thoughts and sanity now, Reg.

FRANCIS: Yeah, it certainly knows what’s better for us. Let’s face it. It’s the only one that could in a place like this.

COMMANDOS: Hehh, heh. Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh.

REG: All right, but apart from the better relationships, peace of mind, a better bank balance, acceptance, courage, wisdom, hope, unity, sanity, what has recovery ever done for us?

XERXES: Brought happiness.

REG: Oh. Happiness? Shut up!

Gratitude List 16/04/2019: Action

Gratitude List 16/04/2019

Yesterday the obsession was on top of me. The inevitability was strong. My will-power was about to collapse. Fortunately, I listened to God’s conscience.


Today I am grateful to have a knowledge of recovery tools.

Today I am grateful I had the strength to use this knowledge, pick up my phone and connect with a like-minded fellow.

Today I am grateful I shared with him exactly how I was feeling.

Today I am grateful I then called my girlfriend and was honest with her – how I was feeling, but also how I had been deceitful.

Today I am grateful I thanked my greater power for His guidance and strength.

What I got in return:

Today I am grateful my utter weakness was being replaced with a power greater than myself. This power came from unity, honesty and humility. As I spoke, I could feel the strength flooding back into me.

Today I am grateful the power was far stronger than the obsession. It only took a few minutes before it was completely lifted.

Today I am grateful for how connected I suddenly felt. Not only did I feel empowered I felt serene, I felt at peace.

Today I am grateful my call was a welcome one. Without me knowing, the benefits were working both ways.

Today I am grateful this was not an obsession of my primary addition. Even so, the powerlessness I felt took me right back. I am grateful for that reminder. I’d like to believe the very same tools would have arrested that addiction in the very same way.

Today I am grateful for how the direction of my day was changed. Not just my day, but potentially my week or my month.

Gratitude List 16/04/2019: Action

Gratitude List 16/04/2019

Yesterday the obsession was on top of me. The inevitability was strong. My will-power was about to collapse. Fortunately, I listened to God’s conscience.


Today I am grateful to have a knowledge of recovery tools.

Today I am grateful I had the strength to use this knowledge, pick up my phone and connect with a like-minded fellow.

Today I am grateful I shared with him exactly how I was feeling.

Today I am grateful I then called my girlfriend and was honest with her – how I was feeling, but also how I had been deceitful.

Today I am grateful I thanked my greater power for His guidance and strength.

What I got in return:

Today I am grateful my utter weakness was being replaced with a power greater than myself. This power came from unity, honesty and humility. As I spoke, I could feel the strength flooding back into me.

Today I am grateful the power was far stronger than the obsession. It only took a few minutes before it was completely lifted.

Today I am grateful for how connected I suddenly felt. Not only did I feel empowered I felt serene, I felt at peace.

Today I am grateful my call was a welcome one. Without me knowing, the benefits were working both ways.

Today I am grateful this was not an obsession of my primary addition. Even so, the powerlessness I felt took me right back. I am grateful for that reminder. I’d like to believe the very same tools would have arrested that addiction in the very same way.

Today I am grateful for how the direction of my day was changed. Not just my day, but potentially my week or my month.

Gratitude List 28/03/2019: Gratitude for gratitude

Gratitude List 28/03/2019

Today I am grateful for the good news my son had yesterday. He had an admissions meeting and it looks like he’s been accepted onto the course he’d been hoping for. Gratitude for past difficulties happening for a reason.

Today I am grateful for the celebratory meal we had after. I’m grateful I could afford it and I’m grateful I could resist the ice-cream! Most of all I’m grateful to have the people I love the most sitting at the table with me.

Today I am grateful for sitting out in the garden, looking up at the stars (in between the clouds) with my daughter sitting next to me all wrapped up. I have very fond memories of doing the same with my mum.

Today I am grateful for the quiet half hour all by myself. I had done my suggestions so I did a bit of reading. I haven’t read a (story) book for a loooong time. It was nice to put my phone down, turn the TV off and read in silence.

Today I am grateful I am on my way to work. I am blessed to have a job. I’m further blessed to have the understanding of my bosses regarding my situation at home and how I’m unable to always start/finish when they want me to.

Today I am grateful for my son doing the final bit of my daughter’s school run which enabled me to make an effort for my work and get in as soon as possible. I’m so proud to see them walk off together. It’s a real tug at the heart strings moment.

Today I am grateful for the day ahead. God willing, after work I am due to meet a fellow for some step work and then onto a meeting where I can unite, serve and recover.

Today I am grateful I took the time to have breakfast at home and also make my lunch for the day. Its nice to have a plan in place. That way I eat healthy and spend less money too.

Today I am grateful for my physical, mental and spiritual health. For sure there are subtle aches, moments of irrational thinking and I’m sure my ego will take over at certain points during the day. But in contrast to my past my overall health has come a long way.

Today I am grateful for this list and what it’s doing for my serenity. I feel at peace, mind and soul. The longer I practice gratitude the less I suffer with expectation.

Gratitude List 03/03/2019: Inner Peace

Gratitude List 03/03/2019

A cold, wet and windy day. A typical English day. A day where I am glad to be inside. And it’s that blessing which brings many things to be grateful for. I could reflect on all the materialistic things I have within my home but today I will focus on the intangible.

Today I am grateful for the warmth.

Today I am grateful for the dryness.

Today I am grateful for the comfort.

Today I am grateful for the cleanliness.

Today I am grateful for the quiet.

Today I am grateful for the entertainment.

Today I am grateful for the security.

Today I am grateful for the safety.

Today I am grateful for the company.

Today I am grateful for the love.

Today I am grateful for the memories.

Today I am grateful for the happiness.

Gratitude List 27/02/2019: Definition of a Mature Person Part Three

Gratitude List 27/02/2019

Definition of an Mature Person Part 3 (see part 1 and part 2)

10. We can endure defeat and disappointment without whining or complaining?

Today I am grateful the most positive thing about enduring defeat is I rarely feel defeated. Not in an arrogant ‘I never lose’ way, because I don’t win much either. Plus my football team often get defeated when I don’t expect them too! What I mean is I rarely whine or complain and if I do it doesn’t last long. Wow it used to so different!

11. We do not worry unduly about things that cannot be helped?

Today I am grateful I don’t worry for the right reasons. Before, I didn’t worry about things because I utilised surpression instead, I didn’t have the strength to cope with life’s challenges. Today, I don’t worry because of acceptance. I do my upmost to accept the things I cannot change. I do my best to accept life on life’s terms.

12. We are not given to boasting or “showing off in socially unacceptable ways?

Today I am grateful this has hugely improved. I still occasionally feed my ego and join in with unhealthy banter or gossip, but I do try not too. My boasting has been cut down and replaced with humbleness. I used to crave recognition for everything from everyone. Today I find myself giving praise to others.

13. We are honestly glad when others enjoy success or good fortune. We have outgrown envy and jealousy?

Today I am grateful I do enjoy it when others are successful or have good fortune. I really do. I am quick to congratate them. My envy and jealousy always led to self-pity. Now, I am outgrowing these defects. Practicing gratitude has played a huge role in me appreciating what I have instead of always desiring what I do not.

14. We are open-minded enough to listen thoughtfully to the opinions of others and do not become vigorously argumentative when our views are opposed?

Today I am grateful open-mindedness is now in my life. I admit I had to Google the meaning to start with. Listening to the opinions of others? Me? Never! It was my way or the highway and I would vigorously argue until I proved it. Or I would sit in silence and let resentments spin out of control in my mind. Today, I remind myself to accept people for who they are and accept that people’s views and values will differ from mine.

The line

Gratitude List 23/01/2019

Today I am grateful for poems like this…

Every minute someone leaves this world behind.

Age has nothing to do with it.

We are all in this the line without realizing it.

We never know how many people are before us. We can not move to the back of the line.

We can not step out of the line.

We can not avoid the line.

So while we wait in line –

Make moments count.

Make a difference.

Make the call.

Make priorities.

Make the time.

Make your gifts known.

Make a nobody feel like a somebody.

Make your voice heard.

Make the small things big.

Make someone smile.

Make the change.

Make yourself a priority.

Make love.

Make up.

Make peace.

Make sure to tell your people they are loved.

Make waves.

Make sure to have no regrets.

Less vulnerable

Gratitude List 22/01/2019

When I look back at the person I once was, it’s not surprising I did some of the things I did. I was riddled with defects – dishonesty, resentment, fear, intolerance, discontentment, courseness, irritability, lustfulness, laziness, arrogance, impatience, selfishness, self-centeredness etc etc etc the list goes on and on. Of course I had strengths of character too, but they were overwhelmed by the defects that were being empowered by my ego and controlled by my self-will. As a result I was very vulnerable to a number of negative reactions.

Through working the recovery program I have learnt how to lessen my defects and strengthen my strengths. Through practicing the principles in my daily life, having faith in a greater power and completing some simple suggestions I gain spirituality. I am improving as a person and that spirituality surrounds me like an invisible forcefield. This, along with the strengths of character that now play a more significant role in my life, I am less vulnerable to my negative reactions that more often than not, used to harm me and others.

Today I am grateful I am less vulnerable to relapsing.

Today I am grateful I am less vulnerable to unnecessarily snapping at my kids.

Today I am grateful I am less vulnerable to telling a lie.

Today I am grateful I am less vulnerable to people pleasing.

Today I am grateful I am less vulnerable to fear and resentment.

Today I am grateful I am less vulnerable to being arrested for a dishonest act.

Today I am grateful I am less vulnerable to acting out on my lustful thoughts.

Today I am grateful I am less vulnerable to living on the streets.

Today I am grateful I am less vulnerable to going insane.

Today I am grateful I am less vulnerable to self harm or suicide.

The last couple of years in recovery have proven I cannot take my foot off the pedal in terms of my recovery. If I do I simply become vulnerable to all of the above and I do not want any of them anymore!


Gratitude List 21/01/2019

Morals – ‘standards of behaviour; principles of right and wrong.’

I once lived very few morals. Its not like I purposely went about life without them, it was more a case of having very little awareness. Going through the ‘Who Am I?’ book educated me. It taught me about the strengths and defects of character I possess and the morals behind them.

I am not a Saint nor will I ever be, but when I practice good morals, it makes me feel good, and when I act with bad morals it makes me feel bad. It’s as simple as that. So knowing what I should be doing and what I shouldn’t hugely benefits my recovery.

Today I am grateful I am aware it’s morally right to love. Thanks to this awareness I strive to express love as much as possible and forgive as soon as I can.

Today I am grateful I am aware it’s morally wrong to gossip and talk behind someone’s back. Thanks to this awareness I strive to not partake.

Today I am grateful I am aware it’s morally right to see the good in people. Thanks to this awareness I will remind myself when I’m only seeing the bad.

Today I am grateful I am aware it’s morally wrong to act like a complete hooligan when watching football. Thanks to this awareness I strive to just enjoy the beautiful game.

Today I am grateful I am aware it’s morally right to be tolerant. Thanks to this awareness I strive to take a deep breath, remain calm and let it go.

Today I am grateful I am aware it’s morally wrong to watch pornography and look at women in a lustful way in the street. Thanks to this awareness I strive to treat women with more respect.

Today I am grateful I am aware it’s morally right to be honest. Thanks to this awareness I strive to tell the truth, be sincere and omit nothing.

Today I am grateful I am aware it’s morally wrong to blame and judge people. Thanks to this awareness I strive to remain humble and accept people for who they are.

Today I am grateful I am aware it’s morally right to show gratitude towards the things I have. Thanks to this awareness I strive to expect nothing.