
Gratitude List 17/03/2018

If I am open-minded and willing I can learn from the people around me. I’m not talking about learning from their mistakes, I’m talking about drawing strength from what they excel at. I used to look at people’s weaknesses with judgement and criticism. I still do sometimes. Over the last year I have tried to look for the positives, to see their inner beauty.

My girlfriend and her love, tolerance, understanding, support, commitment, dedication, work ethic, positivity, acceptance, generosity…

My son for his love, kindness, generosity, his good behaviour, innocence, calmness, courage, resilience, honesty…

My daughter and her love, sweetness, kindness, happiness, innocence, good behaviour, excitement…

This list could get very long indeed. I am very lucky to have a close relationship with my amazing family and have a great network of friends. Every person in my life possesses strengths I can draw upon, even the people I have spent most of my life resenting. How I choose to look at them is up to me.