Disable Them

Gratitude List 26/03/2018

Over the last year and a half I have gained some tools which help me deal with day-to-day life. Each tool has it’s part to play and together they are strong – they keep me serene. By no means is my tool box complete and I doubt it ever will be, nor will the tools always be in good working order. But they do tackle a wide range of obstacles, one of those obstacles are my fears. With no doubt the following tools help hugely in keeping my fears at bay and I am truly grateful for them.

Tool 1 – Not to project and guess how others are going to react. Their reaction is often surprisingly different to the disaster my imagination had created.

Tool 2 – Get things down on paper. This serves a huge release to me and there is definitely some magic in writing by hand. I’m not sure what it is but it always does the trick.

Tool 3 – Share it. I can’t keep these things to myself. If I do, they fester. Honesty has given me a choice of people I can speak to.

Tool 4 – Learn from my past. For too long had I surpressed my past difficulties. How was I ever going to learn from them? Facing them full on has allowed me to use my past for reference and tackle similar situations when they arise.

Tool 5 – Remember, my fears are only harming me.

Tool 6 – Wait for the answer. I am still a novice in terms of meditation but I have experienced deep serenity. With serenity it is easier to accept the things I cannot change. Furthermore, through serenity comes positive action.

Tool 7 – Hand it over to my higher power through prayer. I admit I can’t do it all by myself. I admit I need help. This is not a weakness. Quite the contrary, it’s the bravest thing I have ever done.

Fears disable me. With the tools above I can disable them. One or two help, but if I really want to dismiss a fear I need to put in the diligent effort and use them all. It depends on how much I want it.