Gratitude List 17/02/2019: Not going to miss it!

Gratitude List 17/02/2019

A busy day today, hense the lateness of my gratitude list.

Today I am grateful I will not miss a day of expressing gratitude. Doing these lists have meant so much to me and my recovery.

Today I am grateful for this 10 minutes while the dinner is cooking. If I don’t do my list now, I probably won’t get another chance.

Today I am grateful I am not using these 10 minutes to flick through Facebook or Twitter!!

Today I am grateful I enjoy doing these lists. They are non-negotiable but that’s not why I do them.

Today I am grateful for the gratitude lists I have been sent today. Each of them very inspiring and serene to read.

Today I am grateful that this list is already broadening my smile. After this, its dinner and cuddles with my daughter…. And my son if he allows it!

Author: gratitude4gratitude

A relative newbie to gratitude. Starting each day with a gratitude list sets me up for the day. This small effort starts a domino effect of positive action and subsequent serenity.

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