Gratitude List 12/06/2019

Gratitude List 12/06/2019

Today I am grateful for my abstinence. Without it, recovery and life as I know would not be possible.

Today I am grateful for my senses. I am currently able to see, hear, smell, taste, touch and connect.

Today I am grateful to have home to return to this evening. I have a shower to get under and a bed to get into.

Today I am grateful for how a friends fortunes have changed. He’s gone from living in his car to piloting an airplane.

Today I am grateful that when the forecasted rain arrives this afternoon I have shelter to go to and a coat to wear.

Today I am grateful for the breakfast I am about to eat. A breakfast that is both tasty and nutritious for my body.

Today I am grateful to be doing this list which in turn is feeding my spirit and mind. I cannot ignore my spiritual health.

Today I am grateful for the thousands of people who share their experience, strength, hope, knowledge and philosophy.

Today I am grateful I really do have water on tap. So many millions do not have this simple and often forgotten blessing.

Today I am grateful for my beating heart, my functioning brain, my breathing lungs. I am blessed with the miracle of life.

Gratitude List 16/05/2019: My bundle of joy!

Gratitude List 16/05/2019

My bundle of joy!

My list today reflects on the bundle of joy that is my daughter and the utter happiness she brings me.

Today I am grateful for her beautiful and contagious smile.

Today I am grateful for her laughter and the blessing that we laugh together.

Today I am grateful for the faces she pulls, she absolutely cracks me up.

Today I am grateful for her loving nature. She’s on par with my mum.

Today I am grateful for the pranks she plays on everyone. Cheeky monkey!

Today I am grateful to hear her sing and watch her dance.

Today I am grateful for how she has to put on a performance when she reads.

Today I am grateful for how deep down caring she is for her big brother.

Today I am grateful that her little hands are always warmer than mine.

Today I am grateful she’s still happy to have a hug and kiss with her dad in public.

Today I am grateful for how she looks back over her shoulder when I drop off.

Today I am grateful for the sparkle in her eye.

Today I am grateful she is happy.

Gratitude List 12/04/2019:

Gratitude List 12/04/2019

A few days ago, the reflection of the day spoke of the stillness of God (as you understand Him). How when I’m restless, I can rely on Him to be still, calm and consistent. I found this to be a very comforting thought. It made me realise how I have and how I can continue to lean on my own understanding of God to get me through life’s ups and downs.

Today I am grateful that when I suffer from fear, I can connect and seek guidance from a power who does not know fear.

Today I am grateful that when I feel resentful, I can connect and seek guidance from a power who only knows love and forgiveness.

Today I am grateful that when I am tempted to be dishonest, I can connect and seek guidance from a power who is only honest.

Today I am grateful that when I lust, I can connect and seek guidance from a power who only thinks clean.

Today I am grateful that when I am intolerant, I can connect and seek guidance from a power who considers and understands.

Today I am grateful that when I don’t know whether to accept or show courage, I can connect and seek guidance from a power who has the wisdom.

Today I am grateful that when I don’t do my best, I can connect and seek guidance from a power who does not judge.

Today I am grateful that when I am faced with challenges, I can connect and seek guidance from a power who has the answers.

Today I am grateful to be able to put these defects in the hands of a greater power that does not suffer with them. A true blessing.

Gratitude List 28/03/2019: Gratitude for gratitude

Gratitude List 28/03/2019

Today I am grateful for the good news my son had yesterday. He had an admissions meeting and it looks like he’s been accepted onto the course he’d been hoping for. Gratitude for past difficulties happening for a reason.

Today I am grateful for the celebratory meal we had after. I’m grateful I could afford it and I’m grateful I could resist the ice-cream! Most of all I’m grateful to have the people I love the most sitting at the table with me.

Today I am grateful for sitting out in the garden, looking up at the stars (in between the clouds) with my daughter sitting next to me all wrapped up. I have very fond memories of doing the same with my mum.

Today I am grateful for the quiet half hour all by myself. I had done my suggestions so I did a bit of reading. I haven’t read a (story) book for a loooong time. It was nice to put my phone down, turn the TV off and read in silence.

Today I am grateful I am on my way to work. I am blessed to have a job. I’m further blessed to have the understanding of my bosses regarding my situation at home and how I’m unable to always start/finish when they want me to.

Today I am grateful for my son doing the final bit of my daughter’s school run which enabled me to make an effort for my work and get in as soon as possible. I’m so proud to see them walk off together. It’s a real tug at the heart strings moment.

Today I am grateful for the day ahead. God willing, after work I am due to meet a fellow for some step work and then onto a meeting where I can unite, serve and recover.

Today I am grateful I took the time to have breakfast at home and also make my lunch for the day. Its nice to have a plan in place. That way I eat healthy and spend less money too.

Today I am grateful for my physical, mental and spiritual health. For sure there are subtle aches, moments of irrational thinking and I’m sure my ego will take over at certain points during the day. But in contrast to my past my overall health has come a long way.

Today I am grateful for this list and what it’s doing for my serenity. I feel at peace, mind and soul. The longer I practice gratitude the less I suffer with expectation.

Gratitude List 26/03/2019: Spec-tacular

Gratitude List 26/03/2019

I’m seeing life differently these days. Through recovery I seem to have acquired a new set of eyes. I should’ve gone to Specsavers a long time ago!

Today I am grateful I can see change.

Today I am grateful beauty does not pass me by.

Today I am grateful I see an opportunity not to be missed.

Today I am grateful I can see the good in all people.

Today I am grateful I see less red mist.

Today I am grateful I can see a future. God willing.

Today I am grateful I see the moment.

Today I am grateful I have the courage to look within.

Today I am grateful I can see progression.

Today I am grateful I see with less judgement.

Today I am grateful I can see things for what they are.

Today I am grateful I can see.

Gratitude List 09/03/2019: Loads to be grateful for by 8:15am.

Gratitude List 09/03/2019

Loads to be grateful for by 8:15am.

Today I am grateful for a good night’s sleep, even if I do share the bed with a recently skilled duvet hogger. 😉

Today I am grateful for waking up. I’m loving life at the moment and I would miss it dearly if it were taken away from me. A big contrast.

Today I am grateful for waking up with my senses, my serenity and my sanity.

Today I am grateful for sitting in this room, on this chair, with this coffee, looking out of this window into this garden.

Today I am grateful for the blue, great and coal tits which are feeding on the sunflower hearts. (if you zoom in you’ll just make out one)

Today I for my ability to see. Some aren’t as blessed. Maybe one day I won’t be. I’m going to do my upmost to appreciate it while I can.

Today I am grateful for the food in the cupboards which will provide us with breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks in between if we wish.

Today I am grateful for the water (literally) on tap. Clean, refreshing, hot or cold. Without it couldn’t drink it, or use it to wash and clean.

Today I am grateful for this quiet half hour all be myself. I am blessed to be surrounded by loved ones today so this may be the only chance I get. I must use it wisely.

Today I am grateful for my sister whose birthday it is today. She is an incredibly loving person and closely resembles our incredibly loving mum. Looking forward to seeing her.

Gratitude List 04/03/2019: Positive thinking

Gratitude List 04/03/2019

I love a little moan…. Thankfully, by practicing gratitude, I am more often than not quick to see the positive side – the silver lining.

Today I am grateful that when my girlfriend causes me harm, I remember (sometimes after a while) that I have a girlfriend and one I love… and one I almost lost.

Today I am grateful that when it’s wet, windy and cold, I remember I have a home to go to, a warm coat to wear and I live in a country where the weather doesn’t reach extreme measures.

Today I am grateful that when things are financially tight, I remember I have some and that things used to be so much worse.

Today I am grateful that when I wish I wasn’t doing overtime, I remember that thousands and thousands do not have any employment at all.

Today I am grateful that when I’d rather not look at the list of house chores, I remember that having a home is a blessing I cannot forget and keeping it clean is good for my serenity.

Today I am grateful that when I wish I could do better with certain things, I remember all the positive changes I have made in the last couple of years. I remember where I’ve come from.

Today I am grateful that when I miss my kids, I remember that I get to see them twice a week. I could have easily been in a position where I either saw them less, or even to the point where they didn’t want to see me.

Today I am grateful that when I receive criticism, I remember (sometimes slowly) the lessons I can learn from it.

Gratitude List 03/03/2019: Inner Peace

Gratitude List 03/03/2019

A cold, wet and windy day. A typical English day. A day where I am glad to be inside. And it’s that blessing which brings many things to be grateful for. I could reflect on all the materialistic things I have within my home but today I will focus on the intangible.

Today I am grateful for the warmth.

Today I am grateful for the dryness.

Today I am grateful for the comfort.

Today I am grateful for the cleanliness.

Today I am grateful for the quiet.

Today I am grateful for the entertainment.

Today I am grateful for the security.

Today I am grateful for the safety.

Today I am grateful for the company.

Today I am grateful for the love.

Today I am grateful for the memories.

Today I am grateful for the happiness.

Gratitude List 14/02/2019: Loving life

Gratitude List 14/02/2019

Today I am grateful for another stunning sunrise. Absolutely beautiful and a strong reminder of where I am.

Today I am grateful for my girlfriend. An amazing person sent from my higher power. Many others wouldn’t have been up for the job!! I’m truly blessed to have her.

Today I am grateful she is also the perfect step mum. While I was working until late la’s night, she was looking after my kids, teaching and having fun.

Today I am grateful I am becoming a better partner. I must’ve been such hard work in the past. I admire her resilience.

Today I am grateful I feel more spiritually equipped for a relationship.

Today I am grateful for my daughter’s face this morning. She has the most vibrant smile and cheeky laugh!

Today I am grateful she thinks it’s funny when I call out in front of her school friends to say ‘I love you!!’ She’ll be an embarrassed teenager soon so getting it out while I still can.

Today I am grateful for my teenage son who has shown amazing maturity lately. I honestly admit I have learnt a lot from him recently.

Today I am grateful for the kindness and generosity of a very good friend.

Today I am I’ve experienced the dark days. It makes me appreciate my happiness even more. Maybe I wouldn’t have found gratitude. What a beautiful day it is today. Much love.