Gratitude List 14/06/2019: Law of attraction – thank you!!

Gratitude List 14/06/2019

Law of attraction – thank you!!

Yet again, I found myself in a place full of wonderful like minded people last night – like a flock of geese flying in the same direction ;). There were so many strengths of character on display, I cannot begin to explain how much inspiration I get. Through the law of attraction, these strengths filter into me. All I have to do is take my seat, open my mind, listen and soak it up like a sponge.

Today I am grateful to witness honesty.

Today I am grateful to witness vulnerability.

Today I am grateful to witness acceptance.

Today I am grateful to witness courage.

Today I am grateful to witness wisdom.

Today I am grateful to witness humility.

Today I am grateful to witness spirituality.

Today I am grateful to witness faith.

Today I am grateful to witness hopefulness.

Today I am grateful to witness selflessness.

Today I am grateful to witness love and kindness.

Today I am grateful to witness unity.

How can I not get inspired after being around all of that? Love it!


Gratitude List 13/05/2019: Sometimes I forget.

Gratitude List 13/05/2019

Sometimes I forget.

Today I am grateful I remembered I am never alone.

Today I am grateful to have a power greater than myself. A power that gives me acceptance when expectations arise.

Today I am grateful to have a power greater than myself. A power that gives me courage when fear creeps in.

Today I am grateful to have a power greater than myself. A power that gives me wisdom when there is choice.

Today I am grateful to have a power greater than myself. A power that gives me guidance through difficult times.

Today I am grateful to have a power greater than myself. A power that gives me tolerance when I am tested.

Today I am grateful to have a power greater than myself. A power that is all forgiving when things could’ve gone better.

Today I am grateful to have a power greater than myself. A power that lifts my obsession to feed any addictions.

Today I am grateful to have a power greater than myself. A power that is always there for me.

Today I am grateful to have a power greater than myself. A power that kicks my self-run ego’s arse!


Gratitude List 03/05/2019: It’s okay

Gratitude List 03/05/2019

Today I am grateful it’s okay to not be okay.

Today I am grateful it’s okay to feel.

Today I am grateful to get things off my chest.

Today I am grateful to have the opportunity to do so.

Today I am grateful I don’t ignore and surpress.

Today I am grateful to go through the motions.

Today I am grateful to feel more serene today.

Today I am grateful I am filling the void.

Today I am grateful to have acceptance, courage and wisdom.

Today I am grateful for my ever-giving greater power’s.

Today I am grateful to be in recovery.

Gratitude List 12/03/2019: Good People

Gratitude List 12/03/2019

There are so many good people in this world. People who, in their own way, do their bit to make life worth living. People who go that extra mile to do their bit for human kind.

Today I am grateful for their selfless attitude.

Today I am grateful for their commitment, effort and service.

Today I am grateful for the experience, strength and hope they share.

Today I am grateful for the motivation and inspiration I get when I listen to their stories.

Today I am grateful for the smile they bring to my face.

Today I am grateful for their kindness and love.

Today I am grateful for the friendliness and unity.

Today I am grateful for their acceptance, courage and wisdom.

Today I am grateful for their evident serenity and spiritual health.

Today I am grateful for their faith in a power greater than themselves.

Today I am grateful for their happiness.

Today I am grateful for their ability to change.

Today I am grateful they give me the desire to be a good person too.

Gratitude List 08/03/2019: Unity

Gratitude List 08/03/2019


From the moment I first stepped into the rooms, I have always been grateful for Unity. And experiencing nights like last night, only makes me realise further how lucky I am to have it in my life.

Today I am grateful for the magic of Unity. I don’t know how it works and to be honest I don’t care. All I need to know is it does. Unity has a power greater than I ever was, am or will be.

Today I am grateful to see Unity work its miracle in others. Witnessing it’s power enhances my faith in it.

Today I am grateful that Unity not only gives me a power over my compulsions, it also gives me serenity, acceptance, courage, wisdom, inspiration, motivation, love, joy, hope and a big smile on my chops.

Today I am grateful for the simple meaning of Unity – ‘the state of being united or joined as a whole’. The saying ‘I can’t, we can’ comes to mind.

Today I am grateful for the creation of the traditions which provide us with our Unity Program. Traditions that protect the very Unity they create.

Today I am grateful that Unity led me to Service and Recovery. The three pillars to the solution which have turned my life around.

Today I am grateful that Unity has a part to play in all the groups I am part of. Whether it be fellows, friends, family, colleagues or my community. I can play my part in each.

Today I am grateful for all the people who practice Unity day in, day out for years on end. If they didn’t, nor would I. It’s that simple. There are some who have simply kept Unity alive.

Today I am grateful I enjoy Uniting and I’m looking to experience some more Unity very soon.

Gratitude List 16/02/2019: Serenity, More or Less

Gratitude List 16/02/2019

Serenity: the state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled.

Today I am grateful I am more calm when challenged with resentment.

Today I am grateful I am more calm when faced with a fear.

Today I am grateful I am more calm when under pressure.

Today I am grateful my heart is more calm.

Today I am grateful my mind is more peaceful.

Today I am grateful my lifestyle is more peaceful.

Today I am grateful my words, actions and behaviours are more peaceful.

Today I am grateful my nature is more peaceful.

Today I am grateful my days are less troubled.

Today I am grateful the people around me are less troubled.

Today I am grateful the path I am leaving behind is less troubled.

Today I am grateful my eyes are less troubled.

A beautiful way to feel. No wonder I continuously pray for serenity. God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Gratitude List 30/01/2019: ‘I can’t. We can.’

Gratitude List 30/01/2019

‘I can’t. We can.’

I have no idea of the science behind unity or whether there is any. But what is absolutely certain, is it works. Unity is empowering. Through unity I have been able to do things I could never do by myself, no matter how hard I tried, no matter what promises I made, no matter what lives I swore on.

All I have to do to practice unity is complete some simple actions. I can attend meetings with like minded fellows, share my experience, express how I am feeling, listen and relate to others, make phonecalls and meet up. When I look at each individual action, why is it I can gain power through unity? Should listening to someone give me power? Should sitting in a room full of like minded people give me power? I can’t see why they should, but they do!! Not just a bit of power, we are talking about an abundance of power which overpowers my compulsion to my illness. Something I am completely powerless over. Fellowships and their meetings have often been described as being magic and I truly believe that.

Unity, through doing some simple achievable actions has given me power. This power didn’t emulate from myself, but from the unity of the fellowship. If I can gain power from unity then I can gain even more through another greater power that can’t be explained? God perhaps.

Today I am grateful you guys and gals.

People Pleasing

Gratitude List 24/01/2019

People pleasing and the serenity prayer.

I’ve always been a people pleaser and I’ve realised this is predominantly because I want to be a good person. But sometimes it’s based on a fear of letting people down. Like so many other things the serenity prayer seems to fit perfectly. When faced with this particular fear, I have asked my greater power for guidance through the serenity prayer. In return my greater power has directed me to the following three steps which have helped me hugely.

First Step – ACCEPT. In my experience, something must’ve happened for the fear to be created – examples are running late for an appointment due to traffic or being put in a difficult situation, either by myself or another, whereby someone’s values will be challenged. Whatever it is, it’s in the past and therefore I have to accept it for what it is – I cannot change it.

Second Step – CHANGE. From that point, I ask ‘is there anything I can change?’ First and foremost I can always put my fear down on paper, pray and hand it over to my greater power. If I’ve been guided towards further action, then while I’m on my knees I can pray for the required courage. Any following action needs to be within spiritual lines, there’s no point taking the easy way out with an insincere act. For example, a lie to cover a lie, or cause harm to another just to save my own neck.

Third Step – ACCEPT. If further action is required, then I need to remind myself I have no control as to how someone reacts to it. It maybe, that despite doing the next right thing, I could upset another. Fearing this could prevent me from doing what I need to. I need to accept the things I cannot change – that includes other people and how they react. I can’t please everyone.

No scenario is the same. Above is just one. When to accept? When to change? It’s never straightforward. That’s why there is so much importance on the prayer itself, I am asking my greater power for some help and willing to wait and listen for the answer through meditation.

Today I am grateful for the wisdom to know the difference.